The nexus sits on the site of Holland Drive estate, close to Singapore's greenway which was the main factor that helped to shape the masterplan. The masterplan’s idea was to retain as much of the landscape on the site as possible, to retain its character as complimentary green spaces amongst the surrounding HDB. The green spaces are also currently being utilized as a transitional path taken by most people crossing between two highly commercial areas, enforcing its significance in the area. Hence, the overarching idea was for the masterplan to act as an extension from Holland village and the greenway, spilling the commercial continuously into the site on the upper end, making it the most vibrant spot. These vibrant commercial spaces gradually simmer down to commercial areas with arts and sports institutions and then residential buildings towards the south of the site. These programs are connected by a series of landscaping features- the main green spine and further divided into two sub-spines, and with every entrance demarcated by a green spot.